
How Business Processes As Services Can Increase The Threat Surface.

A Roadmap to Ensuring Security in the World of Business Procedure Management 789 526 Comidor BPM Platform

Ensuring information security is of utmost importance on the world of business process direction. Existing solutions for managing the flows of an organisation rarely consider security and, if they really do, information technology is e'er dependant on 3rd-political party organizations and tools. Because of this dependability, the process of securing the information flowing in an organisation is a non-intuitive and cumbersome routine.

Chapter 1: No one tin can deny that Business organization Process Management security problems exist

While Business concern Process Management (BPM) aims at efficiently creating business value, there is a number of threats that process managers need to consider.

Security hazards such every bit malware, hacker attacks or data theft pose major threats to the reliable execution of business processes. These may have negative effects on the visitor value, e.g. on profit, shareholder value or reputation.

This effect largely scales today as we are living in a world where managing the processes and the data flowing in an enterprise is "the key to the kingdom".

Skepticism of customers about the security of business processes of a company would nullify the potential advantages of BPM, such as the realization of faster or cheaper services. Therefore companies are continuously increasing their resources to protect their business processes against security threats. Companies generally spend a lot of money on security. They seldom exercise ensure that a security policy is enforced apriori, thus the development process becomes insecure.

Recent ransomware attacks showed the vulnerability of professional e-business environments when hundreds of terabytes of critical information were encrypted during the Petya ransomware spreading, resulting in loses of over 8.7 billion dollars. Additionally, the attacks of hackers may have a major economic impact on companies. Considering of the cost of theft, the price for recovery and for loss of business concern value and because of the loss of reputation and confidence.

Costs for the recovery of a system after a security breach or for the downtime of information technology or for a misconfigured value chain due to security problems are insanely huge and accept a heavy touch on on the greenbacks reserves of a company.

Chapter ii: Identification and classification of security holes

The definition of security safeguards is often a upshot of current trends in information security. In addition, decision-makers are often driven past fear when defining security safeguards with an attitude of "merely-in-case". Equally a consequence security decisions provide simply punctual solutions and are made without considering the costs and benefits of introducing these measures.

Process managers have to model and assess business processes to clinch they fit the security policy of the visitor or the value concatenation. Acquire more than about a cloud security bucket list.

Their challenge is the elicitation of optimal business processes according to the given business strategy. More often than not, process managers are not bpm security experts and neglect the integration of security safeguards to the process models of an system.

Analyzing, planning and implementing security environments are discipline for the security departments or the CSO, because security is an area that demands specialized knowledge.

Every bit a result security departments are rather isolated from other corporate core areas. Therefore integrated methodologies for supporting companies in defining security safeguards over the whole business and evolution life cycle are as well rare. Existing approaches focus on parts of the life cycle, either on ensuring the quality of a BPM organisation and providing the maximum number of features while taking a heavy toll on security, or enforcing strict security measures and heavily maim all BPM features.

Information technology is obvious that there are key elements in the development life bicycle that should be reorientated.

Affiliate three: Changing the mode security currently works in the flow of data

Security should be considered as a business concern concept that embraces the development procedure and goes mitt in hand with features implementation and not as a procedure of posterior problems fixing.

Inefficiencies in the style a business handles processes and data flows should be fixed earlier going into production level. The mentality of "security patches" should exist highly avoided and should only exist practical if the testing of the solutions, earlier going live, has failed in certain areas.

Specifically, in a highly privacy sensitive system such every bit a BPM software, the fashion data flows into a system and gets edited should be thoroughly tested fifty-fifty in the worst instance scenario.

A provider of such a BPM solution (Learn how to choose the best BPM vendor for your concern) should be in the position to apply multiple test cases and at the aforementioned time monitor and identify vulnerabilities and misconfigures that could leak of import awarding or user information in 3rd parties.

For example, how is user access defined for all the different roles in a system and how may arrangement occupy?

Questions like these should be identified and consequently answered by the procedure managers in cooperation with security analysts and should be leading to the development and implementation of security policies in Business Process Management earth.

Chapter 4: Epilogue and why Secure Business Process Management (SBPM) should be standardized as a term

It is expected that the marketplace for BPM solutions volition rise upward to 18.6 billion dollars by the stop of 2022.

More and more business data will be processed, classified and so will help create applications that automate the processes of an organization within the boundaries of BPMs.

It is obvious that these data should be handled with farthermost care while being created, transmitted, stored and processed. All these phases provide a wide assail surface to aspiring violators and thus should e'er exist treated as security-critical processes fifty-fifty if the result of a violation is a unproblematic encrypted mail service hijacking.

SBPM, or (South)ecure Business Process Management should emerge and become a trend in the upcoming years. Policies, technical specifications, user preparation, secure protocol enforcing and data validation should become the norm when dealing with process management.

The letter of the alphabet "S" in the acronym SBPM should non define another layer of cumbersome enterprise-form security in Business concern Procedure Management even so but rather a mindset of developing a product with integrity, confidentiality, and availability as key aspects.

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